Play Battlefield 2142 live servers in 2025
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Staff at Reclamation
Followed all instructions for install , when i try to create new account , game will not connect to server.
Any ideas, i am using hub 2
You need to make sure that you have patched to OpenSpy - you will have a confirmation if it has patched to OpenSpy as the wording under the play button will go from 'PATCH REQ' to 'OpenSpy'.
Staff at Reclamation
I am one of the admins of Novgames. Recently, we are often visited by players from the authorizer Reclamation. But Novgames has protection against entry from other authorizers. Therefore, everyone who logs into the server is banned.
Our banlist is full of your players (reason - validation 6):
Please remove our servers from your list of available servers.
PS. It does not depend on us, this is what the chief administrator of Novgames Modin did for security.
It is Google Translate. Original message:
Я один из админов Новгеймса. К нам последнее время часто заходят игроки с авторизатора Reclamation. Но на Новгеймсе стоит защита от входа с других авторизаторов. Поэтому все, кто заходит на сервер отправляются в бан.
Наш банлист переполнен вашими игроками (причина - валидация 6):
Пожалуйста, уберите наши сервера из вашего списка доступных серверов.
ПС. От нас это не зависит, так сделал главный админ Новгеймс Модин для безопасности.
Thanks for your message.
I have raised this this the hub developer Lillyishot and Reclamation chief AirJerr.
Staff at Reclamation