Play Battlefield 2142 live servers in 2025
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Exhaulted, I'm on your side (except when the teams are randomised!) but house rules to do what?
Well...that is a starting point...and of course we need enforcement. I'm thinking that the admins are happy there are servers up. But to maintain, somebody(ies) need to watch through the course of the day. Otherwise, it'll turn out to be a crappy place where no one wants to play.
There are times that I wish there is a reality where I can reach through the video screen and throat punch those hackers.
hi i was banned from reclamtion nl is there a reason why thank you
some admins are on the power hungry side. I was kicked and banned.; this is the second day and because I rdx a jeep and killed lillyshot coming out of there base. Was outside the base but he dont like losing I guess LOL Same story, keep adding new rules and the game becomes less fun and the guys who been playing since it came out know this was the norm,. But older guys who insist on looping the same games because the other games are too hard for them, Boo Whoo. General Patten would slap your face. LMAO
Where can I appeal a ban?
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